Wednesday 12 October 2022


Most human don't actually forgive as they claim. What do you mean when you say, "I have forgiven him but I will NEVER help him again"?

It's a mere talk most times when they say "I have forgiven." Most of these acclaimed forgiveness are usually accompanied with clauses "but".

At this point I usually ask, what is the actual meaning of forgiveness? What does it truly mean to forgive?

If your acclaimed forgiveness still has a clause attached, then you haven't forgiven truly. You only said you have, you've not.

If the true definition of forgiveness is not practiced, there's no actual forgiveness as we claim.

Meanwhile, remember that you can FOLLOW me up on Audiomack @ as I have just began uploading educational and life changing podcasts.

You can also listen to my first 2 minutes podcast via 👉

Shalom 🙏 #KingOnyedikachi

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